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无主之地3灼热军阀 无主之地3 传说装备军阀背后的秘密解析

时间:2024-01-13 15:27:39



无主之地3 传说装备军阀背后的秘密解析

无主之地3灼热军阀 无主之地3 传说装备军阀背后的秘密解析



无主之地3灼热军阀 无主之地3 传说装备军阀背后的秘密解析


"My blade sings for your blood, mortal. And, by my Dark Masters, it shall NOT be denied!"






Steel Tome:The armories of Hell are home to the Warlord of Blood. In his wake lay the mutilated bodies of thousands. Angels and man alike have been cut down to fulfill his endless sacrifices to the Dark ones who scream for one thing - blood.

Steel Tome:地狱的军械库是鲜血军阀的所在地,他身后躺着数以千计的尸首。天使和凡人被切成碎块,以此来完成他对地狱之主们永无止尽的献祭,献上它们呼啸索求的东西——鲜血。


Adria:His prowess with the blade is awesome, and he has lived for thousands of years knowing only warfare. I am sorry... I can not see if you will defeat him.

阿德莉亚: 他非凡的剑法令人恐惧,数千年来他只为战争而活……抱歉,我看不到你胜利的希望……

Cain:I know of only one legend that speaks of such a warrior as you describe. His story is found within the ancient chronicles of the Sin War...

Stained by a thousand years of war, blood and death, the Warlord of Blood stands upon a mountain of his tattered victims. His dark blade screams a black curse to the living; a tortured invitation to any who would stand before this Executioner of Hell.

It is also written that although he was once a mortal who fought beside the Legion of Darkness during the Sin War, he lost his humanity to his insatiable hunger for blood.

迪卡凯恩: 我只知道一个传说提到了你所描述的战士。他的故事可以追溯到原罪之战的上古编年史中,经过了数千年的战争、死亡与鲜血的洗礼后,他脚下踩着的是罹难者的尸山血海。他漆黑的剑刃向生者发出诅咒,任何站在地狱刽子手面前的人都会生不如死。


Farnham:Always you gotta talk about Blood? What about flowers, and sunshine, and that pretty girl that brings the drinks. Listen here, friend - you're obsessive, you know that?

醉汉法纳姆: 你非要讨论血吗?为什么不聊聊鲜花、阳光,或者送酒来的漂亮姑娘。听着,哥们儿,你太过执着了,明白吗?

Gillian:If you are to battle such a fierce opponent, may Light be your guide and your defender. I will keep you in my thoughts.

女仆吉莲: 如果你注定要与此凶残的对手作战,那么希望光明能指引你,保护你,我会一直想着你得。

Griswold:Dark and wicked legends surrounds the one Warlord of Blood. Be well prepared, my friend, for he shows no mercy or quarter.

铁匠格里斯沃尔德: 黑暗而又邪恶的传说笼罩着鲜血军阀。做好准备,我的朋友,他可不会仁慈。

Ogden:I am afraid that I haven't heard anything about such a vicious warrior, good master. I hope that you do not have to fight him, for he sounds extremely dangerous.

奥格登酒馆老板: 恐怕我还从未听过如此残忍的战士,善良的老爷。真希望你不用面对他,因为他听起来是那么地危险。

Pepin:Cain would be able to tell you much more about something like this than I would ever wish to know.

治愈者皮聘: 凯恩会告诉你更多这样的事情,我从来都不想知道。

Wirt:I haven't ever dealt with this Warlord you speak of, but he sounds like he's going through a lot of swords. Wouldn't mind supplying his armies...

维特: 我还从没和你说的这个军阀做过生意,但他听起来好像需要很多剑。我倒不介意他的军队从我这儿买点儿...


Player:Your reign of pain has ended.




无主之地3灼热军阀 无主之地3 传说装备军阀背后的秘密解析




